"Ivan Radimir."

Age: 35
Height: 6 fulms 5 ilms
Race: Highlander
Preference: Straight
Region of Origin: The Country of Dalmasca
Aethersight & Sense

"If I have it, I don't share it. If I share it, I don't have it. What is it?"

As a well known broker of buying and selling of intel, this Detective knows that not everything can be bought with a handful of coins or goods. Sometimes hushed words that aren't for everyone's ears are priceless. His operation is commonly known as the Elusive Esteem, there are even flyers with a public linkpearl that people can use to contact him for jobs and requests.

"Sometimes steel and flint alone, ain't enough to get the job done"

In his line of work, This man prefers to talk things out, and when things go south he is more than able to defend himself. Was a veteran of at least two wars skilled in aetherical manipulation is matched by none, pair with his martial training, this Hyur's skill set is always for hire.

"You can't have organized crime, without law and order."

When you make a living delving and divulging things you shouldn't you tend to make more than a few enemies, luckily for the Detective, having friends in both high and low places are a boon. One can't work and thrive in the depths of the underworld without the proper knowledge of how things work.Common knowledge that he is a retired Brass Blade Captain known as "Blackstone"

"You don't belong in this world, when all you are is a parasite"

Over the recent years this Sleuth has become a recognized figure among the void hunter community as a dependable blade and tracker. Maybe as a fellow hunter you've heard of the tales.. or as one who has reason to avoid those in such line of work.

Additional Info

Timezone: EST
(Active in the afternoons till the late early mornings. Always looking for new jobs and cases, and even collabs! Don't be afraid to walk up and approach.)